March 10, 2012

Project 52, Week 11, Foreground, Background, and Everything in Between

To add depth and dimension to a photograph, consider the foreground, middle ground, and background.

Foreground: the area of the scene closest to the camera
Middle ground: the area between the foreground and background
Background: the area farthest from the camera

Some things to consider:
  • Do you have an interesting element in the foreground that leads the eye into the photograph or that "anchors" the scene?Do you have leading lines - lines that lead you from the foreground through the middle ground to the background? Some examples of leading lines: a road, a fence, a walkway, a shadow, a ray of light
  • Can you use depth of field to emphasize one section?  Blurring the background can make the foreground elements "pop out"; blurring the foreground can add a sense of distance between the "front" of the scene to the middle ground or background; keeping all the sections in focus, with other compositional techniques such as layering, can create a sense of great depth between the front and back of the photo.
  • Where is the horizon?  If it's higher in the picture it emphasizes the foreground, if it's lower it creates a stronger background.
  • Do you have layers, such as a bench in the foreground, a fountain in the middle ground, and a building in the background?

Suggested Readings and Photographic Examples:
  1. Photography Composition - Foreground, Middleground, Background by Gregory Cazillo; 10 minute YouTube video showing examples of photos with Mr. Cazillo explaining the Foreground, Middle ground, and Background; not the most professional tutorial but good descriptions for the examples ranging from landscapes to interiors to baby portraits.
  2. Learning Composition - Foreground, Middleground, Background by John Watson from Photodoto; short article pertaining to photos with focus on all three areas
  3. Depth-of-Field and Focus by Klaus Schroff with photos by Michael Wagner - short article with illustrations, and Composition in Nature Photography and the Elements of a Photograph 2 by Gloria Hopkins - short section on Background and Foreground; from
  4. Placing the Horizon Line from Fodor's Focus on Travel Photography; short article with tips and photos
  5. Composition - Depth of Field from Kevin Hail Photography; short article on placing subject in foreground or background
  6. More Compositional Elements by Suzanne Williams from Steve's Digicams; short section on Background and Foreground
  7. Photography Composition, Part Two.html and Foreground and Depth of Field from Rocky Mountain Photography; medium sized articles with photos
2012 Project 12-52-365
2012 Project 12, Month 3, Depth and Dimension

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