September 15, 2012

Project 52, Week 38, Rhythm and Repetition

This week we look at rhythm and repetition.  Repetition occurs when the same element (object, color, shape, or form) appears in the scene more than once. An element that repeats more than twice creates a pattern.  Strong, regularly repeating patterns set up a rhythmic movement that carries the eye through the scene like a waltz.

Things to consider:
  • Reflections are an example of repetition.
  • Rhythm can create ambiance.  For example, a row of pews in a cathedral create a mood of harmony and unity.  However, a row of stark, fog-shrouded trees can generate suspense.   
  • Not all patterns are rhythmic. Rhythm implies movement.
Suggested Readings and Photographic Examples:
  1. The Art of Nature by Brenda Tharp at Apogee Photo; Rhythm is first section,  2 paragraphs and photos
  2. Composition: Rhythm and Repetition by Robert A. Cantor at ; 1 photo
  3. Design in Art: Repetition, Pattern, and Rhythm Tutorial by Lucy Lamp at Sophia; very informative article about repetition, pattern, and rhythm in art (not just photography)
  4. Repetition & Variation by aphotobylevi, 3 min YouTube video with photos and music.
  5. How to Create Repetition in Photography by Robert Grant from; a 4 min YouTube video tutorial

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