August 18, 2012

Project 52, Week 34, Complementary Colors

If you study color theory you will learn about primary and secondary colors and all the colors in between.  You will learn that complementary colors are colors that are opposites on the color wheel.  If you want to know more about that, study color theory.

But for this week's challenge, let's just go with "complementary colors are color combinations that look good together."  Complementary color themes are visually appealing.  For us, this week they create a harmonious and pleasing effect or they contrast in such a way as to enhance each other and make our photos "pop".

Things to consider:
  • Appropriate color combinations are in the eye of the beholder.  For example, some people think purple and green clash.  I think they can be striking.
  • Color combinations found in nature are often complementary.  For example, dandelions and spring-green grass.

Suggested Readings and Photographic Examples:
  1. Complementary Colors: Harmony on the Color Wheel by Jim Zuckerman at Shutterbug; colorfully illustrated article
  2. Complementary and Harmonious Colors by Andrea Ghilardelli on PictureCorrect; short article with a couple of photos
  3. Complementary Colors at Ron Day Photography; very short illustrated article
  4. The 3 Tricks of Complementary Colors You Can Learn from Van Gogh at Will Kemp Art School; article illustrated with striking paintings
  5. Color Selection in Photography by Liz Masoner at; very short article

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