August 4, 2012

Project 52, Week 32, Color is the story

The project this week is to compose pictures around color.  It can be one color or multiple colors, but the idea is to choose a main subject which will be the focal point because of the color or colors.  The story behind the photograph revolves around the colorful subject. 

Things to consider:
  • Colors can evoke a mood or emotion which helps tell the story behind your photo.  Red and orange excite, blue and green are more calming and comforting, and yellow is warm.
  • Use the rules of composition.
  • Watch the balance.  Dark colors "weigh" more than light colors.  Bright colors weigh more than pastels.
Suggested Readings and Photographic Examples:
  1. Composing with Color by Alain Birot at Natures Photographers; the first 2 paragraphs and examples and the last section with one examples
  2. Color in Composition by Kat Landreth at Pare and Focus; short article
  3. Use Color to Compose Your Photograph by Doug Salin at; a short article with 1 example
  4. Photographic Composition Guide for Beginners Carolyn; 31 page pdf student booklet; see Section 3, Color, page 27
  5. How to Start Seeing - Tip 2 - Color at ZibTips; short article
  6. 30 Colorful Examples of Ordinary Photography with Vibrant Composition by Ahsan Saeed at Lava 360
  7. 50 Examples to Show the Power of Red Color Photography at Stylish Web Designer, just photos
  8. Composing with Color Part 1, Part 2Part 3, and Part 4 by Alain Briot at Luminous Landscapes, a rather long, sometimes technical article with lots of information and illustrations
  9. Jim Zuckerman - examples of colorful photographs
  10. Eva Polak - examples of using color to create impressionist photography art
  11. Art Wolfe - examples of colorful photographs
  12. The Work - examples of colorful photographs from Peter Lik
The cover of Michael Freeman's The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos illustrates composition with multi-colored subjects.  When I look at this picture, I focus on the bright colors more than on the people.


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