Photography Genres
Misc Photography:
- Catching the Light - astrophotography techniques
- Center for Railroad Photography and Art - railroad related photography
- Weatherscapes - Harald Edens's weather related photographs and technical tips
- Discover Wildlife - BBC wildlife and photography magazine
- Discover Wildlife Masterclass - 20 downloadable guides to nature photography from BBC
- Earthbound Light - Bob Johnson's nature photography site with tips and techniques
- First Light - Andy Long's articles, galleries, workshops, on-line classes
- Focusing on Wildlife - articles from wildlife authors and photographers
- Learn Outdoor Photography - tutorials from Scott Simmons
- Mountain High Workshops - downloadable pdf archived articles
- National Geographic Photography - National Geographic photos and tips from the experts
- National Wildlife's Photozone - National Wildlife Federation and nature photography
- Nature Photographers - a free online photography magazine
- Nature's Best Photography - semi-annual magazine ($25/yr), galleries, competitions
- Nature's Best Photography Students - a blog written by young photographers (21 years old or younger)
- PhotoNaturalist - tips and tutorials for digital nature photography from Steve and Vic Berardi
- Porter's Digital Cameras and Imaging Blog - photo store blog with tutorials and reviews
- Pronature Photographer - articles on the business of outdoor and nature photography
- Assignment Chicago - Chicago Tribune photojournalist Alex Garcia's photos (there are persistent little pop-ups and ads on this site - but we've all got to make a living)
- The Big Picture - Boston Globe photography
- LA Times Photography - Los Angeles Times photography and video blog
- Lens - New York Times photojournalism photos and stories
- - photographs from Life magazine
- Photojournalism Links - links to tips and tutorials
- The Sunday Times Young Photographer - British photojournalism
- Time Lightbox - Time magazine photos with articles
- ActionPhotoSchool - techniques, and tutorials
- Catching the Light Sports Photography - tips and tutorials
- Sports Shooter - an on-line community for sports photographers
- Chris Week's Street Photography: Documenting the Human Condition - 3 part video series on Vimeo
- Eric Kim Street Photography - blog with tips and videos
- in-public - a "home for street photographers"
- Shooting From The Hip - Chicago Tribune staff photographer Scott Stranzzante's photo blog
- Street Photographers - an international group of street photographers
- Street Photography by Thomas Leuthard; 3 ebooks ( pdf files)
- Become a Wedding Photographer - tips on becoming a wedding photographer
- Jasmine Star Blog - noted wedding photographer
- Wedding Photography - articles for and about wedding photographers
- Wedding Photography Blueprint - blog about wedding photography
- Zack & Jody - blog, business tips, photography tips from noted wedding photographers Zack & Jody Gray
Photography Tips, Tutorials, and Inspiration:A - C:
- Photography - tutorials, contests, and reviews
- Adorama Learning Center - tutorials and reviews
- B & H InDepth - B&H tutorials
- B & H Insights - articles; blog
- Brent Mail Photography - tips, techniques, videos
- Cambridge in Colour - tips, techniques, and forums
- Canon Digital Learning Center - articles and tutorials
- Craft & Vision - blog and podcasts
- Current - Trevor Current; tips, techniques, articles, reviews, business tips
- Digital Camera World - tutorials, reviews, forum, infographics ("cheat sheets")
- Digital Photography Cafe - an Internet radio show
- Digital Photography School - Darren Rouse; tips and forums
- Digital Photo - reviews, tips, and articles
- Digital Photography Review - (dp Review); review of cameras, equipment, books, etc, buying guides, forums, galleries, articles
- DigitalRev - tips, tutorials, reviews, blog
- Digital SLR Guide - tips, tutorials, camera brand specific info, newsletter
- DSLR Tips - tutorials, reviews, and forum
- Enchanting Kerala - tips and tutorials
- EOS Blog - a collection of blogs maintained by Canon Australia that connect to other Australian blogs discussing Canon product, campaigns, or promotions.
- Expert Photography - tutorials
- Exposure Guide - photography tutorials, imaging editing tutorials, ebooks
- Face the Light - tips and tutorials for Point & Shoot as well as DSLR
- Free Digital Photography Tutorials - photography tutorials
- Fro Knows Photo (beginners) - Jared Polin; tips; lots of videos
- Gavtrain - Gavin Hoey; articles and reviews
- Geoff - photography tutorials and tips (in English & Spanish), members' gallery, blog
- Improve Photography - Jim Harmer's photography blog with tips and techniques
- Kelby TV - 10 different "shows" covering photography, Photoshop, and Lightroom;
- Karl Taylor's Take a Better Photo - tips and contests
- Learn Photography - tips and tutorials
- The Luminous Landscape - columns, essays, tutorials, reviews
- Mac-On-Campus - learning center, gallery
- Manfrotto Imagine More - articles, interviews
- - "features tips, advice, articles, video tutorials, interviews, and other resources" for photographers
- Photography - articles and videos
- Michael the Mentor - Michael Andrew's free video lessons; links to galleries, blog, and DVDs
- National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography; pdf file
- Noupe - Photography - Design and programming site with sections on photography and Photoshop
- The Online Photographer - T.O.P.; mostly illustrated articles
- Perfect Picture Video Tips - from Brian Peterson
- Photo & Videography - tips, articles, reviews, and news for photographers and videographers
- Photoextremist - Evan Sharboneau's special photography tricks - things that make you ask "How'd he do that?" with answers
- Photography - reviews, tip, and gear guides
- Photojojo - a twice weekly newsletter with tips and stuff like that
- - an online community of photographers
- Photo Treasury - free resources for photographers
- Phototuts+ - tips, tutorials, and articles
- - tips, tutorials, articles, galleries, forums and contests
- PhotoVision Blog - articles
- PictureCorrect - photography tips and tutorials
- pixiq - photography articles such as 150 unmissable photography websites
- Scott Kelby Photoshop Insider - photography blog
- Serendipity - RL Caron's blog, articles
- Stuck in Customs - Trey Ratcliff; galleries, HDR and other tutorials
- Teen Photo - "a place where teens and young adults with a passion for photography can gather to learn"
- Tribalcog Photography Course - gallery, basic short photography course
- Valerie Hayken Photo-Blog - talk, tips, and pics
- Virtual Photography Studio - tips and articles; business
- Photoshelter - free guides to help you grow your photo business; blog with photography tips
- Photoshelter Photo Business Bootcamp - five weeks of free business courses via email; articles and videos
- Pronature Photographer - articles on the business of outdoor and nature photography
- Virtual Photography Studio - articles on the business of photography
- Zenologue - photography business, marketing, and SEO
- Introduction to External Flash by Evan Sharboneau at; pdf file
- Lighting-Academy - DIY lighting projects - in German but most articles are also in English (click UK flag upper right to get English articles)
- Photoflex Lighting School - lighting lessons
- Strobist - lighting blog
(Sometimes it seems like everybody is starting a photography school. You should remember the saying "Just because they can, doesn't mean they should" and do some research before plunking down your money.)
- Academy of Art University - online courses leading to bachelor's and master's degrees
- Apogee Online Photography Classes - both self-paced classes with no set start/end dates and scheduled classes
- - 4 - 8 week online courses, includes certifications for different skill levels
- creativeLive - free live training workshops, with videos of workshops available for purchase
- First Light Online Classes - self-paced classes with no set start/end dates include feedback and critiques for each lesson
- Flying Photo School - 4-week online courses with instructor feedback; begin first Monday of each month
- foto-classes - online courses with instructor access and feedback; no set start date, ends 3 months after you begin; .
- Icon Photography School - online, one year course with 3 different price packages
- Improve Photography online, one month courses with set start dates, instructor access and feedback (Jim Harmer and Dustin Olson)
- Karl Taylor Photography Masterclass - Karl Taylor courses on DVDs; individual courses and bundles including some with certification
- Kelby Training - Scott Kelby and other instructors, online photography classes, available with monthly or yearly subscription
- Learn & Master Photography - Vince Wallace course on DVDs
- learn to take great photos - instructor led courses and self directed pdf tutorials
- - over 1500 online classes available with monthly or yearly subscription (not just photography, includes many other subjects)
- New York Institute of Photography - (NYIP) 3 different on-line comprehensive photography courses;
- The Perfect Picture School of Photography - (PPSP) Brian Peterson and other instructors, online courses, 2 - 6 week classes;
- The Photography Institute - online comprehensive photography course
- Photo Vision Video - DVD's and/or online videos of interviews with photographers about techniques, marketing, and sales; monthly and annual subscriptions
- School of - online, basic and specialized courses
- Tuts+ Premium - online courses, tutorials, videos, and ebooks library (photography, design, web development, programming, etc.)
- creativeLive - free live training workshops with videos of workshops available for purchase(workshops are 1 - 3 days, occasionally longer)
- Digital Photography - a beginner's comprehensive digital photography class from eduspace
- Exposing Digital Photography - free class material and videos from Harvard Extension School
- Karl Taylor Free Photography Course - video training
- Photoshelter Photo Business Bootcamp - five weeks of free business courses via email; articles and videos
- Short Courses - Using Your Digital Camera - free photography course with animations and pdf "take aways"
- AdoramaTV - hundreds of instructional and inspiring videos for photographers and videographers at all levels of experience by a team of world-class experts.
- B & H Photo Video Pro Audio - tutorials and reviews on all things photographic
- cameralabs digital camera reviews - Camera, DSLR and lens reviews, plus photography tutorials and more!
- Canon - tutorials for Canon cameras, lenses, and accessories
- Canon Australia - tutorials for Canon cameras, lenses, and accessories
- Canon Europe - tutorials for Canon cameras, lenses, and accessories
- Canon NorthAmerica - tutorials for Canon cameras, lenses, and accessories
- Corey Reese - photography tutorials
- creativeLive - excerpts from their free workshops
- DigitalRevTV - "The most subscribed and viewed photography show on the interweb"
- ephotozine - camera reviews
- FroKnowsPhoto - tutorials and reviews by Jared Polin
- Gregory Cazillo - Adobe Lightroom and DSLR tutorials
- Improve Photography - tutorials from Jim Harmer
- Jasmine Star - tutorials from a noted wedding photographer
- Great Photography Tips (Karl Taylor) - tutorials on photography and equipment
- Kelby Media Group - educational and informative videos
- - tutorials on photography, Lightroom, Photoshop; from their online courses
- Master Photo Workshops - tips and tutorials from iPhones to HDR
- Michael The Mentor - "Quick and easy to understand photography lessons for beginners"
- Nikon Asia - educational and informative videos using Nikons
- Nikon Australia - educational and informative videos using Nikons
- Nikon Help Hotline - how-to tutorials and Nikon reviews
- Nikon Birding - tutorials for taking photographs of birds
- SanDisk - educational and informative videos from SanDisk memory cards
- The Slanted Lens - Jay P. Morgan; DSL and HDR instructions; Camera and Lighting tutorials for beginners to advanced
- Snapfactory - Mark Wallace tutorials
- Steele Training - photography and image editing videos
- Stuck in Customs - videos from Trey Ratcliff
- TWiT photo - interviews and tips, (now defunct - last show aired July 2012
Books and Magazines
Books:- Complete Digital Photography
by Ben Long
- Digital Photography Books
by Scott Kelby
- Lighting for Digital Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots (Using Flash and Natural Light for Portrait, Still Life, Action, and Product Photography)
by Syl Arena
- The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos
by Michael Freeman
- Rick Sammon's Exploring the Light: Making the Very Best In-Camera Exposures
by Rick Sammon
- Speedliter's Handbook: Learning to Craft Light with Canon Speedlites
by Syl Arena
- Understanding Exposure, 3rd Edition: How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera
by Bryan Peterson
- Adore Noir - black and white, fine art photography, emagazine
- Amateur Photographer - covers just about anything related to photography (UK)
- British Journal of Photography - began in 1854 (UK)
- Digital Photo - covers just about anything related to photography (USA)
- Outdoor Photographer (USA)
- Photography Monthly - digital and print (UK)
- Popular Photography - covers just about anything related to photography
- Apogee Photo - "the Internet's photography magazine", articles and reviews
- Discover - BBC wildlife and photography magazine
- ePHOTOzine Newsletter - news, reviews, tips, and contests
- Layers Magazine - the how-to magazine for everything Adobe
- Life Force Magazine - online magazine that celebrates the art form of the photo-essay
- Litebook - online photography magazine from Bowen's lighting
- Nature Photographers - an online photography magazine
- PhotographyBB - digital photography magazine
- Shuttermag - online photography magazine with articles and embedded videos;
- Wedpix - Wedding Photojournalist Association magazine about wedding photography - for photographers and brides/grooms
Photography HardwareCameras and Accessories:
- Canon - digital cameras and lenses, lights, accessories, printers
- Casio - digital cameras
- Fujifilm - digital and film cameras; film
- Hasselbad - digital cameras, lenses, accessories
- Kodak - digital cameras and film
- Leica - digital cameras, lenses, accessories
- Nikon - digital cameras and lenses, lights, accessories
- Olympus - digital cameras and lenses
- Panasonic - digital cameras and lenses
- Sony - digital cameras
Bags, Cases, Straps and Accessories:
- Case Logic
- Crumpler
- Domke
- Joby - Camera Straps
- Lowepro
- Manfrotto
- Mountainsmith
- Pelican
- Tamrac
- Think Tank
- Cowboy Studio - lighting kits
- Sunbounce - reflectors, diffusers, bags, etc,
- Moo - creative business cards
Tripods, Monopods, Stands, and Accessories:
Photography Equipment - On-line Stores:
- Adorama
- Amazon Photography Equipment
- Best Buy
- B & H
- Cord Camera and Scrapbook Studio
- Cowboy Studio - lighting kits
- Jack's Camera Shop
- Ritz Camera
- Roberts Camera
- Samy's Camera
- Wolf Camera
- *******************************************************************
Photo Editing and Management Software:
- Adobe
- Photoshop
- Photoshop Elements
- Photoshop Lightroom
- Revel - for Apple devices
- Aperture - Apple's application
- Arcsoft
- Photostudio - image edito
- Portrait+ - auto retoucher for portraits
- Corel
- Photo Mechanic - image sorting and metadata applcation from camerabits
- Pixelmator - inexpensive, but powerful image editing app for Macs.
- Adobe training and certification
- Corel Learning
- Kelby TV - 10 different "shows" covering photography, Photoshop, and Lightroom
- - Photoshop and Lightroom courses (plus many other topics) for monthly or annual subscription
- Photoshopcafe - online tutorials, reviews, forums, and paid training
- Lightroom Killer Tips - tutorials and presets
- Adoramapix - prints, books, canvas, aluminized prints, calendars
- Bay Photo - prints, albums, full service
- Canon PIXMA - Canon printers, tutorials, downloadables
- Nations Photo Lab - prints, albums, templates
- Shutterfly Store - prints, gifts, albums
- Snapfish - prints, gifts, albums
- WHCC - prints, albums, packaging
- DropShots - free
- Flickr - free
- pbase - $23 - $60 a year
- photobucket - free
- See Here - Fujifilm photo storing and products (prints, gifts, albums)
- Shutterfly - free
- SmugMug - 3 levels of service, $5 - $20 a month
- Web Hosting for Photographers - 6 levels of service, $5 - $44 a month
What's HappeningContests and Competitions:
- Earth Shots Photo of the Day Contest
- Karl Taylor Competitions - monthly contests, international
- - monthly photo contests
- Michael The Maven's 2012 - International Photography Contest - through Nov 15th, 2012
- Nikon Photo Contest - open to amateurs and professionals, begins December 1, 2012, ends February 28, 2013
- North Pacific Research Board 2013 - photo contests for sea life, seascapes, and coastal scene photos taken in North Pacific (USA) waters
- Photo Competitions - photo competitions, contests, and awards
- Shutterbug Millionaire Photo Contest
- 2013 Sony World Photography Awards - open to amateurs and professionals
- International Photographic Society - IMF and World Bank staff and family members
- New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) - Member clubs in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont (USA)
- Photo Venture Camera Club - Indianapolis, Indiana (USA)
- Toronto Camera Club - Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
- American Photographic Artist - advertising and media photographers (USA)
- Australian Institute of Professional Photography - professional photographers(AU)
- Evidence Photographers International Council (EPIC)
- The Lucie Foundation - non-profit charitable organization promoting photography worldwide
- National Association of Photoshop Professionals
- National Press Photographers Association
- North American Nature Photography Association
- Photographic Society of America
- Professional Photographers of America
- Royal Photographic Society (UK)
- Wisconsin Professional Photographers Association
- World Photography Organisation - global platform to support professional, amateur, and student photography
- 2nd International Conference of Photography and Theory - November 30 - December 2, 2012, Ayla Napa, Cyprus This year's topic is "Photography and Museums"; the conference aims to provide an outlet for an interdisciplinary and critical theoretical exploration of photography and photographic practices.
- The 22nd International Los Angeles Photographic Art Exhibition - January 17 - 21, 2013, Santa Monica, California (USA), art fair
- ImagingUSA - January 20 - 22, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia (USA), trade show, presentations, educational classes
- Nature Photography Summit and Trade Show - February 28 - March 3, 2013, Jacksonville, Florida (USA), training, demos, and speakers
- Society for Photographic Education (SPE) 2013 National Conference - March 7 - 10, 2013, Chicago, Illinois (USA) This conference will examine how concentrations on a subject has allowed image, concept, criticism, teaching and learning to shape the past, present and future of photography, its instruction and SPE itself.
- Wedding & Portrait Photography Conference and Expo - March 7 - 13, 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) The is an industry event for photographers and image-makers specializing in the creative and business aspects of wedding and portrait photography. It combines educational seminars with a major industry trade show and networking events.
- AIPAD Photography Show New York 2013 - April 4 - 7, 2013, New York, New York (USA); Assoication of International Photographpy Art Dealers
- Photoshop World - April 17 - 19, 2013, Orlando, Florida (USA); Over 100 classes on photography related subjects
- Galveston FeatherFest & Nature Photo Festival - April 11 - 14, 2013, Galveston Island, Texas (USA), birding and bird related photography
- 2013 Nature Photography Weekend - May 31 - June 2 at Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina (USA). Hear presentations from top nature photographers in the evenings and photograph spectacular scenery and native animals during the day.
- New England Camera Club Council's NECCC Photography Conference - July 19 - 21, 2013, Amherst, Maine (USA) Photography workshops on many topics.
Social MediaGoogle+
- List of Recommended Photographers to Follow on Google+ (recommended by Google+)
- Christian Baillet
- Lisa Bettany
- Thomas Hawk
- David Hobby
- Scott Kelby
- Brent Mail
- Ron Neibrugge
- Jay Patel
- Trey Ratcliff
- Star Rush
- Art Wolfe
- Nicole S Young
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